EFT is a holistic healing technique, based on the combined principles of Chinese acupuncture and modern psychology. It is a client-centered, client-led, practitioner-guided technique. It can also be used as a self-help tool, to practice on one’s own.
EFT works in the same way that rainwater running down the side of a mountain does, in which EFT can gradually take effect and then one day, a huge psychological or emotional shift can take place, just as a piece of rock will fall away on the side of a mountain.
EFT works very simply and scientifically. It has us face and remember a negative experience; a method referred to in psychology as Acknowledge.
We then pair that remembered negative experience with a statement of self-acceptance: “I deeply and completely accept myself.”
While we hold these two items in mind, the negative experience and the statement of self-acceptance, EFT then has us tap on our bodies. The tapping points used in EFT correspond to acupuncture points, and when tapped on they release stress.
Tapping not only releases stress, but also interrupts the emotional triggering we’ve created through the negative memory. This pairing of a soothing physical stimulus and the negative memory often breaks the power of that memory, reducing the intensity of the emotional trauma.
We develop a Conditioned Response of upset (a red tag) encoded to correspond to that memory. By thinking of the memory often and getting upset, we’ve established what is called a strong Conditioned Feedback Loop. The amygdala is a small almond-shaped organ within our brains and one of the oldest components of it. It is this organ that records our past “red tags”, those troublesome events that caused us distress and we reacted to.
Tapping signals to the amygdala and body that we’re safe, and so the Conditioned Feedback Loop of upset is broken. Afterwards, the nervous system no longer associates the memory with stress. The speed with which EFT can drain the emotional intensity of even long-held memories is quite startling to people who have not experienced it before.
When we tap without focusing on a specific issue or event, we feel better due to the palliative effect that it has. But when we tap specifically, we are telling our body that that particular event is not happening anymore, or to you anymore. This in turn, modifies the way the brain processes emotional information.